Flat-Lined Boxing Day

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Happy Boxing Day, everyone, and welcome back from the long Christmas weekend. As you can imagine, on the heels of a +54% year in the NASDAQ in which everyone is patting themselves on the back for a job well done, and a mere 4 trading days left until a new year begins, the market is doing precisely nothing. The /ES has been bounding around a 5 point, yes, 5 point, range, for hours.

Indeed, the only thing of note on the /ES is that, over the span of a few trading days, it pretty much undid the brief but exciting plunge on Wednesday (which still has NO explanation, except more sellers than buyers).

A couple of weeks ago, I highlighted how the alt-coins were coming back to life, and one of the examples, Solana, is up 1000% in just over two months. It’s seriously like late 2021 all over again. People have absolutely become unhinged.

I’m going to do what I do every year, which is go through the thousands of posts I’ve created a gather up a few dozen I consider to be the best to re-feature. It’s a lot of work, but it is always eye opening to me and my readers to look back and see just how much has happened over the course of a single year.