Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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BTFD (by Cougar)

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As you can see by the image, the MACD did signal a sell recently, but the 20 day is coming up fast and with declining yields you have two things going for da bulls.

Number 1:  stocks are going to be priced at higher EPS and 2: that with the new year and new market highs, money will be moving out of money markets and into stocks especially early in the year like now. So, IMO; this is not the correction; this is a dip. So, anything below the 20 day, 4690-ish; and I’m putting a long trade back to 4750.

Forewarning, I don’t trade for a living, but TK asked for content. (and one spark for TK, someone I know he likes, They Might Be Giants, is below:
