Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Bond Market, Gold, Yield Curve and the Changes to Come

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Bond Market, Gold, Yield Curve and the Changes to Come

While it is far from the only important indicator for the markets, the Treasury bond yield curve (10yr-2yr) is very important because it takes what is probably the most important market for macro signaling (the bond market) and gives us a view into the dynamics between short and long-term yields. In the bond market, duration means a lot.

For one example, long-term bonds are much more vulnerable to inflation’s negative effects than short-term bonds. Short-term bonds also act as a liquidity haven during deflationary market crises. Long-term bonds can work quite well during disinflationary times and pay out better income than short-term bonds, but in a full out deflation scare when the very system (and its exponential debt load) comes into question insofar as you want bonds, you want short-term (in my experience 1-3 year Treasury, T-bills and Treasury Money Market). In other words, relative safety.



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At the outset, I should make plain my persistent skepticism about the utility of AI. Never in human history has there been so much aggressive chatter about artificial intelligence and its implications, and things started going berserk late in 2022 with ChatGPT and haven’t calmed down since then.

Countless times have I experimented with various AI tools, and with the exception of graphics generation (which is amazing), I walk away unimpressed.

Earlier today, I decided to give AI another shot, since I saw something called Automated Blog Post Writer being featured as something superb. I thus gave it the URL to my own website’s blog section, and I was very impressed by how accurate its summation of my site was.


More ChatGPT Amaze-Balls

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Hoo boy.

OK, so in my never-ending quest to find out what in the holy hell all the excitement about AI is, I decided to dip the ladle into the waters again, so I went into the ChatGPT store. I tried to think of an interesting topic, so I typed “bitcoin” and, voila, there were a variety of ready-to-use products, the topmost of which had the intriguing product named Bitcoin Price Predictor. Since I’m in the business of predicting future prices of financial instruments, I figured this would be fascinating!
