Plug Power, down nearly 100%, has lost its touch. You know who hasn’t Cramer!

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Below are ten lesser-known charts from my watch list which are unfolding beautifully as bearish prospects.
I’m not sure how many of you have flown Spirit Airways, but I have, and its terrible reputation is well-deserved. This goes for all “off brand” discount carriers, including Sun Country. It is thus heartening to see that their lousy reputation has come back to haunt it, as only a buyout by JetBlue (which has been nuked) was the only thing that could save it.
For nine months, I have been prattling on about the incredible diamond pattern on the Dow Jones Utilities ($UTIL). All I can say is that its performance has been pitch-perfect, and I am counting on this sucker to drag the entire financial world down with it, once they wake up.
Bombs away!