I’m Such a Pig

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This is dumb, but there is a point. Here in the Bay Area, the biggest city is obviously San Francisco, and the mayor of that crime-ridden and declining metropolis is a woman with the rather unfortunate name of London Breed. I saw a photo of her grinning like a hyena on some news program, and since she’s an unusually large person, I was curious what she weighed. So I just typed in “London Breed weight” into my browser, and this is what Microsoft’s AI-powered CoPilot told me:

So. 114 pounds. To which I immediately thought: are you fucking KIDDING ME? Here, allow me to share a few photos (and keep in mind, these are photos of her when she’s professionally made-up and has really nice clothes on in public)………….

So we can add this “fact” to the bounty of evidence that AI is a giant load of crap. Sort of like CNN’s fear/greed indicator for the stock market, which in a rational universe would be registering about a 500 right now: