Rip ‘n’ Dip

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Below is portrayed a hideous, wretched specter which causes nightmares for both beast and man. Just beneath her is the chart of the /NQ futures overnight, which are taking a welcome tumble.

This is As God Intended (and as I predicted on my show yesterday), since the “Buy the Dip” mentality is well-burned into the heads of a vapid public. They figured it would be a peachy time to get NVDA on the cheap. All righty then. The redness isn’t confined to merely the /NQ, of course. Take the /ES. Please!

Of particular import to me is the /RTY futures, since I acquired a bunch of IWM short-term (expiring Friday) puts just yesterday. I have my eye on a tag of the next Fibonacci down, although I’m not sure it’ll happen that rapidly.

I’d also mention how eager I am to see /GC with a price of $21xx.xx in the weeks or months ahead. I am very interested in buying as much physical gold as I can if we can get down to those levels.