Stock Tuah

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If you understand my clever post title without having to research it, congratulations, you’re one of the cool kids. Anyhoo, let’s talk about the latest prediction that big Tom lisped out:

I’m not really in the habit of quoting cash indexes by using dollar signs in front of the figures, but let’s just set that aside. The information was shared with me by a few Slopers who knew how much it would annoy me. It’s made even worse that the guy shouting about it is this mass of hair with eyeballs:

His permabullish followers are lapping it right up.

OK, hold it. You are speculating that “tech” (AKA the completely laughable NVDA bull market which has already ended) is going to keep “putting up their numbers” for SIX MORE YEARS. No. Just no. You are going to be very, very disappointed.

His readers continue to offer their wild justifications.

Yup“. That’s about the level of cogent analysis I’d expect. And then……….

A mid 90s situation!??!?!? You mean like 1995, when we were at the VERY BEGINNING of the entire $20 trillion Internet stock revolution THAT situation? ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!

Of course, one of the top trending stories on Twitter just adds to my palpitations.

DESPITE? How about BECAUSE OF? You’ve read, of course, that NVDA insiders have been frantically dumping hundreds of millions of dollars of stock onto saps like the aforementioned commenters, right?

I’m telling you, I don’t even need to make money to be happy about what’s next. As long as these dorks get their portfolios blown up, that’s enough for me. What a bunch of never-seen-a-bear-market saps!