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The market has been in quite a stupor lately, but let’s catch up with a dozen indexes to see what’s what.

We begin with the NASDAQ Composite, which is roughly at the same level it was on February 12th. In other words, we haven’t had any meaningful change in 15 days. That may explain why you’re falling asleep at your keyboard. If we can repeat the failure of that wedge, however, things could get interesting in a hurry…………and that wedge is everywhere.

The large caps have managed to hold their trendline firmly since the October bottom. It spoke through it last week for a couple of days, which is the same kind of fracturing/splintering/damage (choose a word that you like) of supporting lines that I’m witnessing in many indexes and ETFs.

So that’s two indexes. The other ten charts and my comments are visible to all paying members.