Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

All Charted Out

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Phew. I just spent a solid hour extemporaneously waxing poetic (you think that sounds easy? It's not!) about charts. And, although this hardly ever happens, I'm sick of talking about them! I'll be fully recovered by the morning. So this is going to be really quick.

First, although I have no position in it, I found MRK's chart to be an engaging example of Fibonaccis (once again) in action.

We haven't mentioned CROX in a while, but wow, is this stock getting crushed. Amazing to think it was $75 just a few months ago. Now it's turned into a real p.o.s. That's the way fads go, isn't it?

I mentioned Autozone in the comments section earlier today. This, to me, seems like a (rare) diamond pattern. I like it. I bought puts today.

OK, I'm done. Enough charting. Just remember this warning. I don't know what it means, but it seems worth heeding.

And, if you need help, count on Wonderman (last bit is slightly NSFW……….)

What Separates the Bears from the Cubs

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Sorry it's been a little while since I posted (late yesterday). I have a real job, ya know.

I just wanted to say that it's obviously really easy to be a wild-eyed bear when the market is getting blown to pieces and everyone is running scared. It's times like right now when it's far more challenging. You've got…….

  • The federal government blatantly saying they will support the stock markets by plunging the country as deeply into debt as is necessary to keep old friends on Wall Street happy
  • A public that is dying to have their bull market back
  • Mass media which is touting every possible reason to plunge back into stocks, stating how cheap they are, and stating how bearish everyone is (for the record, I find investment sentiment indicators to be utterly useless in either direction).

I look at the graph below, and in spite of the bulls taking this market on a ride lately, I am not afraid. Now, if we go blasting above $73, then I'll start to worry. But for now, I am adding to my index put positions, since I think the public is getting suckered in……….yet again……….to a place they will regret.


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I'm not going to sugarcoat it: today sucked for me! A nearly 400 point rally does not do good things for a bear's portfolio!

I wasn't laid waste or anything like that. I guess I got stopped out of about 1/5th of my positions, and the rest of them took on some pretty serious damage. But I've suffered through these gigantic rallies before, and – – at least so far this year – – my portfolio has pushed on to record highs each time the market shakes off the bullishness.

Looking at the IWM, you can see the gargantuan overhead resistance (tinted in blue) and the intermediate term downward trend (the red sloping line). A meaningful push above $73 on the IWM would be really, really bad. 

The Dow has a similar chunk of overhead resistance spanning some 1400 points, although we're only about a hundred points away from the underbelly of this level.

I took on a small put position on the S&P today, about an hour before the close, and I intend to add to it if things stall in the high 1300s. The VIX is relatively low, but obviously any put-buying is a contrarian act; you take the risk with the reward, after all.

My $NDX puts took serious damage today, as this market exploded nearly 5% higher. To my way of thinking, we are nearing both the underside of the broken trendline as well as the underside of the Fibonacci level, so I really expect some diminishment of bullishness soon.

I love what the FXI did today……….nailing both a descending trendline and the underside of its broken upward trendline. I bought puts on this at the circled price point.

I guess I'm a little bullish on gold right now. I picked up some calls on ABX and a couple of other stocks.

I have no position on AGN yet, but I'm keeping an eye on this one. I'd love to buy some puts if the price got to about $61 or so, which is pretty close.

After such a crappy day, it's time for a belly laugh. Enjoy.