All Charted Out

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Phew. I just spent a solid hour extemporaneously waxing poetic (you think that sounds easy? It's not!) about charts. And, although this hardly ever happens, I'm sick of talking about them! I'll be fully recovered by the morning. So this is going to be really quick.

First, although I have no position in it, I found MRK's chart to be an engaging example of Fibonaccis (once again) in action.

We haven't mentioned CROX in a while, but wow, is this stock getting crushed. Amazing to think it was $75 just a few months ago. Now it's turned into a real p.o.s. That's the way fads go, isn't it?

I mentioned Autozone in the comments section earlier today. This, to me, seems like a (rare) diamond pattern. I like it. I bought puts today.

OK, I'm done. Enough charting. Just remember this warning. I don't know what it means, but it seems worth heeding.

And, if you need help, count on Wonderman (last bit is slightly NSFW……….)