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I am dying to read the comments, but I keep getting distracted by other stuff that needs doin'….

Just for fun, I decided to calculate the differences between the peaks and valleys of the S&P since the bear market (yes, we're in a bear market…..) began last fall. It's an interesting data set:

Date of Turn
 Value (Peak=high/Nadir=low)
 Days since Prior Turn
 Change since Prior Turn
 10/11/2007  1576.09  n/a n/a
 1/23/2008  1270.05  104 (19.4%)
 5/19/2008  1440.24  117  13.4%
 7/15/2008  1200.44  57  (16.7%)
 8/11/2008  1313.15  27  9.4%
 9/18/2008  1133.50  38  (13.7%)
  9/19/2008  1265.12  1  11.6%

Of course, my conjecture that we've "peaked" in merely one day will be considered outlandish to, oh, just about everyone. But that's how we roll here on Slope. I would point out, however, that the % change from Thursday afternoon until Friday afternoon was comparable to the prior gains; indeed, it was quite a bit higher than the prior gain which took 27 days.

The GLOBEX opened recently………so far, so good. Sunday's activity (so far; it's not even been an hour) is highlighted in red.