Why I Write This Blog (plus LIVE CHAT!)

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I get many emails each day, and I just received one from a gentleman in France with some questions. He asks:

+ Why do you write all this? Is it a hobby? Is it to promote your book? Is it to display a proven track?

+ Since your blog has been voted as one of the most serious, why aren't there more commercials on it?

+ We are experiencing difficult times on the stock market. I wanted to learn technical analysis to help my partner and to get more knowledge for my clients (I am a wealth manager) but I have the feeling that rules of technical analysis no longer exist and are of no help nowadays. Do you agree?

 The writer, Thomas, gave me permission to post his queries, so I thought I'd respond to these in public. So, respectively……..

  • I write because I enjoy doing so. Besides that, the main two reasons I write are (1) a strong sense of obligation to my readers, whose presence and attendence here I greatly appreciate (2) the value I derive from the interactions I have with others on this board. I certainly do not do it to promote my book. I make more money in an hour or two than I've ever made from my book, although I'm proud of it and I'm glad people seem to like it. And I don't do it so show off any kind of track record, because I have absolutely no vested interest in doing so (in other words, I'm not trying to convince people to invest money in a fund of mine or something like that).
  • There aren't many ads on it because I want the focus to be on the content. I really haven't tried to do anything to "commercialize" it except for some very simple basics. I have a friend who spends about an hour a day doing a video blog, and he clears a few hundred thousand dollars a year doing it. I make maybe a few hundred dollars a month from Google ads and such, which I spend on mochas. It's not for the big bucks, believe me.
  • I think these are challenging times for all traders, but I think technical analysis is more valuable than ever. I think listening to pundits is (and always has been) "no help", but, for me, technical analysis is the only road to salvation.

Also, late-breaking news. Slope of Hope now has live chat! The last time I experimented with this, it didn't go well (a different product, I used that time, said Yoda). Let's see how Jabbify does for us.