Paper Weight

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In all these years, I've never understood the logic of sending prospectuses (prospecti?) to traders. I mean, for Pete's sake, I usually don't know the name of the company I am trading, let alone what they do – – nor do I care. Why on earth would I want some huge prospectus? Does anyone actually read these things?

But today took the cake………..last week, I bought a small position in DXO. Today, in the mail, was about a 200 page (double-sided) printout. I kid you not.

That is seriously what I got; spread out on my desk. It's probably 1.5 inches thick. How many trees are dying each year due to these completely stupid printouts? Shouldn't this be an opt-in process for those couple of folks that actually want to read this stuff? Insane!

Speaking of paper, I took this snapshot yesterday of a couple of bits of currency that illustrate hyperinflation. These are from the former Yugoslavia; they are a 10 Billion Dinar note, and a 500 Billion Dinar note (the latter, I suppose, is for those who want supersized fries instead of just the regular).