An Open Letter to the Bulls

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Dear Bulls,

The past thirteen months have been very good to you. I want to, by way of this post, extend both my congratulations and my encouragement.

In spite of the strong gains over the past year or so, you should still know that stocks are a wonderful "buy", and I'd like you to take advantage of the marvelous opportunities afforded by the United States equity market. Let's review….

+ The 15% long-term capitals gains tax is still in place. Take advantage of it!

+ Some indexes are still about 20% or more off their lifetime highs. That's like a sale at a store! How would you like to be able to buy gasoline at 20% off? You would like that, wouldn't you. Me too!

+ Profits! You've heard about all the profits corporations are making, haven't you? Wouldn't you like a piece of that action?

+ Obama is behind this rally! Our suave, cool President is all for this rally. What's good for stocks is good for America and this administration. So you can count on him and his staff doing their darnedest to support this bull run.

+ The Europe thing is overblown. I mean, what's the last thing you bought from Greece? Some baklava? C'mon, Greece's problems don't amount to a hill of hummus when it comes to the American economy.

+ The experts say "buy" – – Wall Street analysts are some of the highest-paid, experienced professionals in the country. Almost all of them have "buy" recommendations on stocks. Do you think they'd be highly paid if they didn't know what they were doing?

So, bulls, I see that even now on Sunday, the /ES has shot up about 20 points, which is fantastic. That's a great start. I hope you have a terrific week, and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of rally you can put together. Good luck, and remember to use your margin buying power!

Yours in Christ,

Timothy Knight