Well, after yesterday, which was el stinko, I'm having a better day so far.
See, I have this sophisticated and complex investment philosophy which goes something like this (try to follow it, if you dare): I want my shorts to fall and my longs to rise.
As saucy as that may sound, that's really what I'm after, and I try to use charts on individual stock positions to make this happen.
This morning, things are working As God Intended. I have 21 longs and 68 shorts, and I am up 0.25% in the face of a market which is basically unchanged (as of this typing, for instance, IWM is up 0.03% and SPY is down 0.03%, so……unchanged).
Some of the better-performing longs are JASO, LDK, PCX, and RRR, which is shown below and which I mentioned yesterday. I love the recent volume strength.