This is my first experimental video. I have been a member of Slope family since 2009, and finally got some guts to do a rough video. Criticisms are welcome. In the video the point calculations are not accurate, as it was just for the concept.
June 24-July 25= 31 days
14548-15617=1069 points
(1069/31=35.633. avg. points move per day)
July 10-July 24=14 days
15255-15617=362 points
(362/14= 25.8571 avg. points move per day)
July 26-Aug 05= 11 days
15400-15651=251 points
(251/11= 22.8181 avg. points move per day)
RED LINE: (steeper angle than orange line)
Jul 31-Aug 02 = 2/3 days (Aug 2nd was the new high)
15485-15650= 165 points
(July 31 high was 15635), so 15650-15635=15
points extra from previous high
(165/2=82.5 points avg. move per day.)
(165/3= 55 points avg. move per day.)
THIN BLUE LINE:(steeper angle then red line)
Aug 02-Aug 04= 2/3 day
15550-15654= 104 points
(Aug 1st high was 15650, so 15654-15650=4 extra
points from previous high)
(104/2=52 points avg. move per day.)
(104/3=34.66 points avg. move per day.)
Larger trend total avg. move:
june 24-Aug 2=39 days
15650-14548= 1102 points
(1102/39=28.2564 avg points move per day)