Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

These Hands

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The chap who created Retracement Levels, known here on Slope for many years as 2sweeties, wrote me recently about the U.S. presidential election. 2sweeties is from Italy, so he has an interesting perspective, and since the discourse on the campaign for the Republican nomination has devolved into comparing dick size, I thought this email would be worth sharing:

I was curious to hear your comments about what is happening in the States….
I watched some of the debates between Trump and the other republicans (and also what Hillary said about Trump…).

You know in the early 90s in Italy we had a similar scenario: a guy called Silvio Berlusconi – he was a media mogul, was himself a showman, had built an empire based on real estate and media, he decided to become Prime Minister and self-candidate itself to the elections.


The Kindness of Strangers

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Many years ago, when I rented a condo with a couple of other roommates who had just graduated college with me, I had a friend named Timo who lived with me. (Yes, Timo. Like my name with an “o” at the end). We would greet each other enthusiastically – “Timo!!!” “Timmy!” and shared a mutual fondness for Pee Wee’s Playhouse and Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Good times. Good times.

One day, Timo saw his cubicle-mate working on some code that didn’t look familiar. “What cha workin’ on, Pierre?”, he asked. Turns out this fellow Pierre was putting together code for a web site (and at the time the commercial web was brand spanking new) called Auction Web to match buyers and sellers. That Pierre was, of course, Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay.

One of Pierre’s core beliefs was that people, on the whole, were honest and respectable, and that creating a community of totally anonymous buyers and sellers could succeed based on the general premise that the community would be relatively moral and self-policing. His thesis was correct, and eBay’s tremendous success has made Pierre a billionaire many times over.
