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I found this little video be amusing. It beautifully captures the zeitgeist of the stock “market” from March 2020 through November 2021, which was an era in which many ostensible traders were hatched.

Good Ol’ Days
byu/walkorfly inwallstreetbets

Imagine the mentality: these people were introduced to something they knew nothing about, and watched everything they touch turn to gold for twenty months. Twenty MONTHS! And, since then, it’s been nonstop frustration as the relentless climb stopped and things got all wiggly. It’s no wonder they’re exasperated and pining for the good old days (which were a whole three years ago, way back when).

With all the mayhem going on in the world, and on the heels of yet another day without a functioning Congress, even I had forgotten one interesting tidbit until yesterday evening………..

I daresay the millions of new “investors” who were brought into the trading world by the likes of Robinhood are going to, in the end, feeling utterly ripped-off by what they thought was a sure thing.