Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Wild First Week of Q4 (by Xerxes)

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There’s no denying lots of action for both sides to make money this past week.

I decided to perform my entire analysis this week inverted. I always do this when things seem a bit stretched to try to rein in any bearish bias. The key areas I am watching are related to the breakout level of 4200, which was major resistance throughout 2022 into 2023, followed by breakdown level of 4360, which was prior support in late August. As for fundamental arguments on direction, I think sectors to watch will be how tech and banks start to react in the next week. While Friday left traders (i.e., me) shaken, I feel like this weekend I have had time to reassess and the bearish thesis still has legs. I will explain in further detail below.


Fractured Fairy Tales

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I originally was going to entitle this post “Hez-bull-ah” or “Hez-Booyah!”, but if I can get in trouble with Twitter for calling you people “spoiled“, I’d probably get incarcerated for such a witty but edgy title. So you get one from my childhood memory instead. Well done.

In any case, it’s no surprise to see red across the board, although evidently World War III is only worth 0.75% or so. We have collapsed, ONCE AGAIN, below the weekly price gap and are, of my ten little fingers typing these words on the keyboard, precisely at the Fibonacci level of 4309.26:


Bugging Out

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Slopers are a spoiled lot. There’s no debate about that. Whereas most websites like mine charge multiples what I charge, and slather their site with ads, and they post maybe once or twice per WEEK, I typically crank out something like 80 posts every week and don’t even show ads. So I’m like the saint of the retail financial lunatic space.

So, if I were sane, I’d tell people that I’m going offline for the next month, because I’ve got a ton of stuff going on in my offline life, and I’ll see you on November 12th, buh-bye. But that’s not my nature at all, so here I am, stalwart as ever.

In particular, I have spent the weekend evacuating every molecule that touches the first floor. Every. Single. Bit. Imagine how much work that is, and then multiply it by ten. Because you have no idea.
