Bugging Out

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Slopers are a spoiled lot. There’s no debate about that. Whereas most websites like mine charge multiples what I charge, and slather their site with ads, and they post maybe once or twice per WEEK, I typically crank out something like 80 posts every week and don’t even show ads. So I’m like the saint of the retail financial lunatic space.

So, if I were sane, I’d tell people that I’m going offline for the next month, because I’ve got a ton of stuff going on in my offline life, and I’ll see you on November 12th, buh-bye. But that’s not my nature at all, so here I am, stalwart as ever.

In particular, I have spent the weekend evacuating every molecule that touches the first floor. Every. Single. Bit. Imagine how much work that is, and then multiply it by ten. Because you have no idea.

Of course, neither my trading nor Slope rest for any man, so I have evacuated to a different space and am making due, transporting every monitor, cable, computer, switching device, power supplies, and all the other bits and pieces that go into my setup. It should come as no surprise that I’m very particular. The keyboard must be a very particular kind of keyboard. The monitors have to be at very specific angles. And, once I’m happy with everything, it gets permanently glued into place onto the furniture (which explains why the objects on the lovely desk above are permanently affixed).

Having said all that, I doubt I’ll have the time to make any other content until tomorrow morning. Of course, what’s very much on my mind is the absolutely batshit rally which took place for NO REASON at all on Friday, at which time I gobbled up October 20th (!!!!!!!!) puts on the SPY and QQQ. I don’t put a huge amount of stock (so to speak) into the IG Weekend thing, but it’s looking pretty good right now, since we don’t have the benefit of the open futures market.

Let’s just say that the permabulls who were guffawing, chortling, and high-fiving each other on Friday might not have to grapple with the problem cited below on the Merrill website, which once again features what I must assume must be the core demographic, since it is the 57th instance of such a presentation.

Back to my work……………may the good guys win.