Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Yearning for Foghorn Leghorn

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I strongly suspect I’m the only person in America who has spent the past few days listening to full Watergate hearings. I was a little boy when these were going on, so they are definitely part of the fog of my childhood, and I’ve been fascinated with Nixon my whole life. This has also been “homework” during the rewrite of my novel. What I find charming is the thick southern drawls of so many of the Senators. Those seem to have vanished with time. It’s a shame. Anyway, in case you’re a loony like me…….

What With These Names?

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It all started when I saw the name “Meltem”. Meltem? For a woman who is focused on creating the new gold? And then there’s Ms. Boring. And Ms. Long. These are some of the most influential women in the crypto space, and THESE are the names that the designers of the simulation we are obviously living within came up with. C’mon, folks. Try harder to make these character names more believable!

Inflationary Yield Curve Steepening?

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After a gentle disinflationary easing (Goldilocks), the bond market is hinting at an inflationary steepening of the 10yr-2yr yield curve

A yield curve can steepen under inflationary or deflationary pressure.

Inflationary: Generally, long-term yields rise in relation to short-term yields as both rise nominally, or more importantly long-term yields rise nominally.

Deflationary: Short-term yields decline in relation to long-term yields, as both decline nominally.
