Errr, No Thanks.

By -

As we enter yet-another-day-of-lifetime-highs, a brief anecdote……Over the many years I’ve been doing Slope, I’ve received literally thousands of solicitations to submit “guest posts” (thinly disguised advertisements for products and services). I’ve refused them all. In fact, I’ve set my email filters to screen out this junk, since easily 99% of my emails are spam. Sometimes they get through, like this one:

I’ve tinted this email, because, keep in mind, this is a solicitation to post written articles in Slope. My comments on the tinted areas are:

yellow: the subject line is incorrectly capitalized and lacks a space between two words;

green: the salutation “Hello dear” marks this as some weird English-not-their-first-language style of writing;

cyan: compound sentence lacking a comma, thus, run-on;

magenta: provide you with “do follow” links? Huh?

grey: lacks both a subject verb; this is just a clause floating in space;

second yellow: is the writer’s firm called Your Company? Plus, there’s a broken image.

If that’s their solicitation email, I’d hate to see what one of their posts looks like! Anyway, you’re welcome.