Me Talk Pretty One Day

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I have worked with computers for 44 years, and I know a lot about them and their limitations. I always find it amusing when people think about how computers, robots, and AI are all going to rule over us. Listen, people, computers BARELY work. We’ve been tinkering with these things literally for a century, and they are held together with baling wire and scotch tape. You have NOTHING to fear.

Just this morning, I was typing a post, and I misspelled the word “manufactured“. It was just a little bit off. So what did the super-smart computer suggest as the proper spelling?

Ah, yes: “manufacture red.” There’s a pair of words used together CONSTANTLY. And this is nothing compared to the suggestions I’ve seen on iPhone, which are usually words so arcane that even I have never heard of them in my entire life.

My point is: computers are idiotic. You have nothing to fear. Nothing.