Will the BTFP Die?

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The spawn of Satan, and one of the most truly horrible people to ever walk the earth, Janet Yellen, has had many criminal success stories during her wretched life. Surely at the top of these achievements must be her scandalous program BTFP, which distributes risk-free billions to any bank who asks, which must only be collateralized with paper that is valued at par, irrespective of its actual value. As you can see, the banks have cheerfully accepted this handout from this snake. A meaningful fraction of a trillion dollars has been handed out to this wretched creature’s Rolodex entries.

When this dreadful wretch put together this most recent government giveaway, she said “Advances” (free gifts to her friends) could be requested until AT LEAST March 11. Please note those words carefully. The program is ostensibly going to end on March 11, which isn’t much more than 50 days from now. I suspect that this vile cow will “extend” the program indefinitely, couching her greedy malice with some concocted lie about how it’s best for the American people about whom, I can assure you, she could not care less. She is venal beyond comprehension.

The scheme has, naturally, been an absolute boon to equities. The red circle marks the place where the bureaucratic mold spore Yellen shoved this down the throats of an unsuspecting public. I daresay we are only aware of a small fraction of her financial crimes. Only after she croaks, a day I suspect I’ll highlight here on Slope, will the truth finally come out. I’ll be waiting.