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All right, folks, I really, really needed to see this.

What you are seeing, of course, is the Core Producer Price Index, which came in at FIVE TIMES the value expected. In other words, even the totally made-up, fictitious, and one-tenth-actual-size number has shocked the hell out of people so, as with Tuesday morning, the US dollar is flying higher……..

Equities are weaker………

And precious metals are getting nuked………

I mean, Tuesday’s tumble was completely erased over the next two sessions which, as my friend NYUGrad can attest, I’ve been screeching to him about, but there’s going to be some point at which it is undeniable that the weak, limp, COMPLETELY political Fed has led inflation out of the bag again.

Of course, the public has been browbeaten so thoroughly that inflation is only 3.1%, that even when I pointed out an everyday anecdote like seeing a half gallon of milk for $7.95…….

People still jump down my throat!