New Android for You!

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I have some news that I am very happy to share with you: we have completed a release candidate of the Slope of Hope Android app. It provides access to all posts and comments…….

…….continuous discussion with SlopeTalk……..

……..and fully-featured SlopeCharts……..

Hold on, Tim, Slope has had an Android app for years!

Well, yeah, but……….it hasn’t been compatible with Android products since about 2021 or so! Which has meant anyone using an Android device made after the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt was out of luck.

Added to which, I have a confession to make. I’ve never really liked Slope’s apps at all. There’s just too much crap going on. So, I’ve boiled it down to Slope’s essence: just posts, watch lists, charts, and discussion. That’s it. Plus, it doesn’t act retarded by logging you off randomly or making its login screen be totally blank in the field entries. Stuff like that.

I made this totally amateurish video just now. Maybe watch it in full screen mode, and sorry for the handful of imperfections – – but it’s still a good tour. The audio glitches here and there

Anyway, this app has been rigorously tested by a pool of beta testers equaling a population of one (pointing at myself vigorously). I think maybe a few more folks would be prudent, so please feel free to download the app by clicking here. It’s about ten megs, and once it’s on your Android, just run it to install it. It’ll give you all kinds of warnings about, gosh, you sure you want to run this thing? To which you should just answer yes because, seriously, if that kind of thing actually scares you, you probably shouldn’t be trading in the first place.

Oh, as for iPhone, we’re going to try to do that one next, but this one was much more desperately needed.

I look forward to hearing your feedback.