Risky Business

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Here’s a quick, funny story. NYUGrad was kind enough to invite me to meet him, and we had a lovely stroll together around his neighborhood. While we were walking, a building under construction caught my eye:

It was one of those pencil-thin super-tall residential towers that seem to be all the rage, and it looked about 70% complete. What drew my attention to it was what was at the top……………

Yep, graffiti. Graffiti that measured about thirty feet tall and would have had to have been done by someone hanging off a rope, risking absolutely certain death if something went wrong. It is a sheer drop, I guess about 400 feet or so, from wherever they were spray-painting their tag. They would have also had to struggle with their basketball-sized testicles as they did this, because I cannot imagine the amount of courage (or insanity) to do such a thing.

According to NYUGrad, the building ceased construction since it was discovered that it was leaning somewhat, and it had just sat there for years. The funny thing was that he said he had never noticed the graffiti before, since, in his word, New Yorkers never look up. Makes sense! Still, as gross as this defacement is, hats off to whatever lunatic decided it was important enough to risk his life to put whatever this thing is supposed to represent on the side of a skyscraper.