Nimble Collection

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I think I'm starting to get really proud of my lack of commitment! Being nimble and flexible in this market is the key to prosperity. I cashed out of six-figure positions in GDX and DIG this morning for superb profits, and I entered into a DUG position subsequent to that. I also shorted 20 ES at levels above 900.

I've bought some more puts in my personal account; here are the underlying stock symbols and contingent-stop levels, followed by the symbol of the option, the quantity, and the purchase price.

ABFS 30.15 .FDQOG 4 @ 9.6
ASTE 37.55 .QYARH 3 @ 11.2
AN 14.40 .ANPV 9 @ 4.1
CBRL 30.07 .CBQOE 5 @ 6.1
BVN 25.57 .BVNOD 5 @ 6
AMTD 13.91 .TQAQC 8 @ 4.3
MTN 34.98 .MTNPG 2 @ 15.8
GPC 40.19 .GPCQJ 3 @ 12.5
ESS 100.47 .ESSPR 2 @ 18
URS 48.92 .URSPI 3 @ 11.5
CEPH 80.39 .CQENQ 3 @ 12
ADM 30.72 .ADMOG 3 @ 10.2
AFL 49.08 .AFLNK 3 @ 12.4
AMT 34.65 .AMTPU 3 @ 10.5
AZO 129.32 .AZOMF 2 @ 18.3
BBBY 29.19 .BHQNF 5 @ 6.6
CERN 40.55 .CQNOV 4 @ 7.5
COH 23.22 .COHNE 6 @ 6 L
CRDN 27.77 .AUEOG 3 @ 10.4
FDX 96.99 .FDXPQ 2 @ 17.1
FPL 49.61 .FPLOK 3 @ 11.3
FRT 64.89 .FRTNN 2 @ 17
JPM 42.50 .JPMOH 4 @ 8.35
UPS 69.38 .UPSPM 3 @ 10.2
YUM 30.74 .YUMPG 4 @ 7.6