Direction and Timing

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I was intrigued by the comment posted by GreatWarrior:

Well Tim, allowed me to say this. I have read your posts probably 3
times a day, but frankly I am not sure if you ever make a directional
calls with a conviction. Here's what you have been doing: Your
wordings on general stock market does not have the "Conviction". Your
bearish posts would contain words like "may …. prefer..", and many
times ended without any real action. So many times I am not sure what
are you up to — you are bearish, but did you short?! if you short, are
you shorting with a whimp size, or are you shorting with a big
position?! Are you confident, or you are just playing 2 sides, and
especially recently, you posted that you hold both long and short
positions on the indexes and ETFs. Confusion, Confusion, Confusion.
ZERO Conviction.

Let me first say this: I am not Atilla. And Atilla isn't me. I (think) we have mutual respect for each other, but we have different styles. Atilla apparently specializes in large directional trades, primarily via the ES. I, on the other hand, tend to make a very large number of small bets, with occasional large bets when my confidence in a certain direction is high (as of this moment I have 59 long positions, 63 short positions, and 41 options, all of one of which are puts).

So, again, the market for blogs that do what GreatWarrior describes is well-served by Atilla. I have no reason to ape his style, nor he mine. I am a pretty big fan of xtrends, and I think it's great that Atilla is so confident. There has been times he has been stone-cold wrong (as have I) and, like a good trader, he changes direction.

As for what might be perceived as weasel words ("might", etc………) a market like this requires nuance and critical thinking. I'm not about to say – – or behave – – in such a way as to suggest that such-and-so will absolutely happen. The market is an ongoing arena of probabilities. Those dedicated to a certain position have a good chance of having their head handed to them.