Stay Nimble and Stay Aware

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I noticed a couple of comments lately; one of them on Slope:

And another from xtrends……

Allow me to say a few things:

  • Reading my blog every few days doesn't cut it; I am very nimble with my trading. Yes, I mentioned a target of 1000 last week, and I'm still confident it will be met in the coming months, but it doesn't mean a straight line there. You cannot read a post on Thursday and expect that on Monday I will have had no new ideas or commentary.
  • For those who stay up with posts, they will see that on Sunday morning I went bearish on China (FXP was up 14.8% today alone) and, on Sunday afternoon, I wrote "I've looked at hundreds and hundreds of charts this weekend, and I am
    neck-deep in fantastic opportunities for shorts and puts on Monday."
  • I have no idea who "badral" is, but my personal returns of about 400% so far in 2008 puts me in pretty rare company, which I wouldn't characterize as "pathetic". My conclusion is that you're an idiot.

I don't visit xtrends that often, but I've been there enough to know that Lawrence Chiu whimpers and whines whenever Atilla is wrong, so the guy strikes me as a gigantic pain in my butt (and probably Atilla's too……….)

In any case, I hope the regulars here who know how to read and use Slope made a lot of money today. It was certainly a good day for me, and I appreciate the good folks who show up here regularly.