Uncertainty Still Reigns

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One thing I've always admired about XTrends' Atilla is how he holds on to his positions even in the face of (usually temporary) adversity. But even Atilla, the steady ship, was feeling capricious today………

I can totally understand! In fact, I'm sworn off e-minis for now until things are at least a little bit sane. Day after day, things are just out of control. I'd rather not be whipsawed into oblivian.

Sadly, I got stopped out of my SDP today (and it's so thinly traded, the price stunk). Oh, well; if you're going to have stops, you need to be consistent about them.

I am rolling into "sous chef" mode for Thanksgiving, so my posts are going to taper off. I will probably manage to do a real market post before the day is over. Also, thanks to everyone for getting back to me on the "ounce" question; I was buried in good detail in my inbox!