Nerd Groupie

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OK, I'll make a comment cleaner (isn't Sunday supposed to be a day of rest, you lunatics?) but I'll make it more than just a sentence and will share a little personal story.

Longtime readers know that I have been starstruck by the Silicon Valley since I was fourteen years old. I bought my first property (a townhouse) partly because it was near Homestead High, where Jobs & Wozniak went to school. My sole investor in Prophet was Andy Bechtolsheim, the founder of Sun (and Google's first investor). I can spot a "celebrity" at 100 yards, and one of my life's big moments was accosting Steve Jobs in Ace Hardware here in town, since I figured I'd never get a chance again to shake hands with him and tell him how much he meant to be (I'm glad I did).

So this afternoon, I took my beloved son to a Cub Scout event, and there on the breezy schoolyard field was none other than Chris Espinosa, employee #8 of Apple Computer. Yes, I can even recognize early employees of Apple. He and his son went to the basketball court and shot a few hoops in a way that no inner-city child would ever find threatening.

And I thought to myself………this is just too cool.

Sad, ain't it? But I love this town.