A Fine Morning

By -

Howdy Folks,

As I kneel toward the North and pray toward Deus Ursa, I ask for this day to be:

  • Free of data provider errors (not naming names, but the vendor rhymes with "Lass and Free Pomrock")
  • Free of bullish moves upward
  • Free of anyone uttering our likely future president's middle name (with a dramatic pause both before and after)

I was delighted to see how weak NQ and ES were when I crawled downstairs this morning; after the close yesterday, the NASDAQ market looked ready to explode higher. Now…….not so much. Perhaps we'll get Evil's lower 25% pathway after all.

The key issue is this:

From September 29 until October 10, it was an all-bear party, no bulls invited. Seventh heaven. Pigs in mud. You get the idea. Every blessed day was down. Since the 10th, it has been a grind-em-all-up kind of market. I imagine some who made fortunes during the plunge gave up all those gains during the grind.

Having a hefty down day today, on the heels of yesterday's 231 point drop, would be encouraging. But I'm banking on nothing. The reason I've avoided the hamburger express is by not getting overly confident about one direction (hence the bi-curious nature of my portfolio).

Good luck today. Stay nimble. Stay smart.