When Do We Turn?

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I have been exploring with some interest sites which devote themselves to cycle forecasting. I still have a lot of reading to do, but what little I've learned has already been helpful.

It seems that a number of sites are honing in on next week – – one is as specific as stating specifically October 23rd – – as the end of this phase of the bear market, to be followed by a multi-month, erratic rally. I tend to agree with this scenario. Here is one chart, courtesy of Elliott Wave International:

On a different subject, I'm watching oil carefully; my OIH options and many energy-related shorts have been very profitable, and I'd like to hang on to the majority of those profits. I think we still have some room to fall, but as far as crude oil itself, I think we may be very close to the bottom for now.

Time for the open; good luck to you!