Buying Puts Instead

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Because of the volatility, high premiums, and huge bid/ask spreads, I've completely shied away from options trading lately. I've got 84 straight-up short positions right now, and a mere one option (on OIH, a very large position).

There are a handful of stocks which didn't have any inventory to short, so I'm forced to buy puts on them. I'm going to get them deep in the money and several months out, since effectively I just want to be short them without getting reamed on the options. Here are the underlying stocks and the contingent price I'll be putting on them:

AYI 38.63
AEP 33.57
AMT 35.93
ADSK 29.23
BBD 15.01
RATE 36.60
BDX 77.45
CEDC 42.78
GWW 86.75
NBL 48.63
PTNR 20.10
WOOF 26.55