A Note from the Top

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Much like a PBS Pledge Drive, you can count on me reminding you basically at every post to please Vote For My Blog (click on the icon at the upper-right). So get used to it! 🙂 For those that have voted, thank you; for those that haven't, please take a moment to do so! We're already on "page 1" of the top vote-getters, and my goal, of course, is to win First Place. (We've gone from 30th to 8th just in the past hour, and Beanie is pushed to the 2nd page now).

During the course of writing this blog, I have received thousands and thousands of emails from readers. I was curious what kinds of emails were sent on October 11, 2007, which was the very top of the market. There was only one, and it was from Nathan who was simply complimenting me on what I had said in that day's posting. Looking back at what I wrote, it's clear how angry and frustrated I was. But, when reading just the quote (which Nathan included in his email), it seems prescient. I was addressing the bulls………

You are frauds, sheep, and charlatans. I hate you. And you will eventually be destroyed. The day of reckoning has been painfully elusive. But it will come to you as suddenly as today's whipsaw. Stay right where you are.

I'm obviously not nearly as angry as I was (and with good reason!). Thanks, Nathan, for putting this "marker" in my email stack so I could remember what things were like back in "the dark times." And for those shocked at my tone, get over it. That's how a bear feels after a bull has been grinding upward for years. We own the market now. So I'll be sweet from now on.