May the Lord Safely Preserve Us

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Things are going well. A bit too well.

I'm not sure if I saved a busload of nuns from disaster recently, but the Big Bear in the Sky is looking after me. Virtually every trade I am placing is almost perfectly timed. I'm buying puts when the stock is at a top. I'm selling them when things are about to reverse. And it's happening repeatedly. Even just today, I sold a huge SPX put position when the Dow was down 220, and then I bought an equally sized put position when the Dow was (briefly) in the green. Now the Dow is down 100 again. I feel like I'm surfing from Indonesia to Monterey without falling off the board once.

Anyway, keep an eye on my watch lists. That's the best place to see what I'm into. This Congressional nonsense is wearing on us all. It'll be nice when it is history. Please check out the NoBailout site to offer support to those opposing the horrible bailout legislation. Defeating this legislation is a vote for our democracy!