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There is a lot of strength in equities right now. Good! The bulls need a chance to climb up the mountain some. This is a much-needed rally.

Some people have been writing asking if my prior post was suggesting short positions. Well, yeah. I figured the "Freshly Washed Shorts" would kind of tip you off. Look, if I ever have a bullish idea, I go out of my way to make it clear, usually putting words like call and buy in boldface, and often saying stuff like "this is not a typo" or "I am not kidding." Anyway. The items below are new shorts I am entering, with corresponding stop-loss prices.

ABFS 43.29
AGO 20.65
BBD 18.01
BAX 68.91
BDX 84.82
CAM 45.67
CNI 54.88
PSS 21.01
BVN 25.73
BAP 75.04
DRQ 58.72
DRE 27.59
EP 15.01
KGC 18.19
MCK 60.46
MMR 29.89
PRGO 39.95
GOLD 47.15
SII 69.56
SU 51.01
SYNA 31.90
TNH 135.99
LCC 9.23
AUY 10.96