Banking on America

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It was also good to see that, after weeks of grinding away in a tight range, Bank of America (BAC) finally broke beneath its retracement line.

As an aside, I'll mention that early today I closed my $RUT puts at a small profit, simply because this index is behaving too strong for my liking. If the Dow is down over 100 and the $RUT is actually in the green, I've had enough. I don't trust this index right now, and I didn't want to extend the risk.I've got plenty of other good positions and don't want a laggard in the bunch. (Update: After posting this, it dawned on me what a moronic reason that was to close the position, so after examining the chart again – – and looking at Evil Speculator's post! – – I re-entered. I was going to delete this last paragraph since I undid my decision, but I knew you guys would crucify me.)