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It isn't often that a comment on this blog sends me up a tree, but this qualifies. The past three months have been very hard on the bears, but in spite of this, the audience and activity here have been pretty strong. Yesterday, when I did my post about the big rally in stocks, DavidDT wrote:

If you don't like the blog, don't come here. If you think the ideas are bad, or harmful, don't heed them – – – or fade them.

But as hard as I work on this blog – for zero compensation – the last thing I need to read is that someone is blaming me for their (or someone else's) losses. I get nothing if people make money off my ideas. I lose nothing if people lose money off my ideas. I write this blog as a way of sharing my own thoughts and helping me think harder about what I am doing with my own trading. If you need a refresher, the disclaimer is here and the explanation of my bearishness is here.

I found the comment above really offensive, and I deeply resent it. But I wanted to remind people that credit and blame must remain with you individually. We try to help one another here, but we all still make our own decisions.

NOTE! It seems the Disqus comment system is down. Not to blame them 🙂