Those Poor OTMs

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I am about to get on a plane, so I only have a minute. In fact, I am writing this from a wheelchair at the end of a ridiculously long breezeway at Salt Lake City's airport. No, there's nothing physically wrong with me. It's just the only place to sit.

Anyway, AAPL reported after the close, and it was one big meh. It was down about $5 early, but looking at it a moment ago, it's only down a few pennies. At least it's not a blow-out. And Amazon is getting a few bucks knocked off it it, too. Good.

The ones that really got screwed are all those people that bought way out-of-the-money calls and puts thinking they would "pull a GOOG" on Apple (or AMZN, for that matter).. Surely you know by now that the God of Trading loves nothing more than to laugh his divine butt off at traders. So all those who missed GOOG and thought they'd make it back with AAPL were disappointed. Again.

I'll do my regular post (very) late tonight. Bon voyage.