Driving Sideways

By -

Boring! I actually thought it would be a pretty
interesting day. We had a nice quick drop early on (at which time I
zipped out of my index puts). We bounced higher, and I re-entered one
put position (the Russell 2000, $RUT). Then it was a snoozefest. Up,
down, up, down. Even the release of the Fed minutes turned out to be
just another whirligig (down at first, then up again). Snoozetastic.

Even the widely-advertised re-introduced of a 37-year old coffee from Starbucks didn't wake people up. Or its stock, for that matter.

This rarely happens, but I just don't feel up to saying any more about the markets today. I said my bit in my 18 minute video yesterday
(and I'm sorry for those of you who had trouble with it……..try
Firefox!) And just about nothing has changed since yesterday. So I'm
going to be a bum and not do another post today (unless you count this
one, which is sort of a "there will be no post" post). So we'll
just give today a miss, and I'll see you in the morning. Hopefully this
market will figure out what to do with itself.