Quick Fade

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Good morning again, everyone. I wanted to use the ruse of a market update as a way to sneak in an apology. As for the update, weirdly, my portfolio is actually doing all right. Incredibly, within minutes of the opening bell, the /NQ went red. I have closed nothing. So maybe even fake inflation data isn’t enough anymore. Today’s going to be dicey.

The apology is for me getting overly emotional in the comments section yesterday evening. I’m not going to blame drugs, alcohol, or the stress of the week. Sometimes I simply go too far. The basis for the feelings is real, but the decision to unleash them in public………unwise.

I actually try to study stoicism whenever I can, and the stoics definitely posit that there is real value in keeping one’s mouth shut. I utterly failed at that, and for that I am chagrined. This was actually troubling to me all night long, not driven by any blowback, but upon my own contemplation of the matter.

In any case, this is not a full retraction, but an expression of sincere regret. As a practical matter, there IS no good outcome this November. It’s bad either way. So, irrespective of outcome, there will be no chest thumping on my part. In my estimation, this entire agonizing absurdity will be just another chapter in our nation’s history, and I believe what follows will be an existential crisis for a once-great land.