Bear Market: a Go-Go

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We are between earnings seasons right now, but every few days, some company comes along with a report worth noting. Today, it is Broadcom (whose ticker isn’t BRCM as you might expect but, weirdly, AVGO). Let’s just say the new economy is starting to be felt far and wide.

You can see this reflected on the daily chart, in which the evening data is also being incorporated. It’s a rather dull chart, which is why I have no position, but I’ll cheerfully take anything red these days. It’s all for the common good.

Now speaking of “Go” – – I don’t want to name names, but there’s a certain Sloper with the syllable “go” in his name whose behavior in the comments system is at times provocative, to put it gently.

I’m asking him specifically, and everyone, generally – – let’s continue to try to make Slope a friendly place focused on trading and NOT on politics and certainly NOT on ad hominem attacks. It’s bad for the culture here, and as for the “go” fellow, please know that being a Platinum member doesn’t give you carte blanche to behave any way you like. We all need to try to conjure up the better angels of our nature, including your humble host. I’ve been trying to do better, and I think on the whole it’s been going OK.

these go-go girls are here to help drive the positive message home