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Greetings, yet again, from seven miles above the United States. I am making my way back to my beloved Palo Alto with a subset of my nuclear family, after a successful fencing venture.

Well, this is quite a strange feeling, being out of my shorts and bullishly positioned (albeit with a modest capital allocation).

  • Instead of seething about Fed interference, I am rooting for it;
  • Instead of cheering at the initial plunge in futures, I gasped at it;
  • Instead of resenting the rapid recovery in prices (so far, at least), I am celebrating it (although modestly, as I trust this rally about as far as I could throw the airplane I’m in right now).

Ex Squeeze Me

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I had an interesting little experience the other day which reminded me of a post I wrote a decade ago.

Here in my beloved home of Palo Alto, we’ve got a shopping center that has been around for decades called Town & Country. I had to run an errand down there, so I had to make a quick decision whether to take the Tesla or just pile all my dogs into my other (not-as-nice) car. The dogs were eager for a drive, so I decided to slum it and take the non-Tesla instead.

I arrived at the shopping center, parked, ran my errand, and got back to my car. I put it in reverse and started backing out.


2020 Vision (T-9 Days)

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Preface to all parts: 2019 was a great year for the Slope of Hope, with a much wider array of tools and a record number of premium subscribers. I have extracted what I consider the best posts from the year and, for the sake of everyone’s sanity, arranged links to them in a set of ten short posts. For those who want to support the site (as this is my full time job, 365 days a year), I encourage you to open up a brokerage account at tastyworks, try out TradeMachine Pro, or subscribe to a Slope premium membership, which opens up a tremendous array of features for you and your trading. Here, then, are the posts for this segment:


2020 Vision (T-10 Days)

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Preface to all parts: 2019 was a great year for the Slope of Hope, with a much wider array of tools and a record number of premium subscribers. I have extracted what I consider the best posts from the year and, for the sake of everyone’s sanity, arranged links to them in a set of ten short posts. For those who want to support the site (as this is my full time job, 365 days a year), I encourage you to open up a brokerage account at tastyworks, try out TradeMachine Pro, or subscribe to a Slope premium membership, which opens up a tremendous array of features for you and your trading. Here, then, are the posts for this segment:
