Response to a Reader

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I recently received an email from a reader who has been on Slope for nearly a decade and very politely asked me to lighten up on Trump. His letter was well-crafted, well-reasoned, and courteous. I wrote him back, and after doing so, I thought I’d share my thoughts with you, since it doesn’t cross any privacy lines. I wouldn’t want to waste all that typing without making a post out of it. So here goes:

It’s good to hear from you, and I appreciate your readership all these years.

Slope isn’t a political blog, but there is some political talk from time to time, and I certainly use it to express my own point of view.


Bearded Midget Reproduction

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After I got off the plane and was heading toward the airport exit, I saw something I don’t think I 0317-beardedhad ever seen before: a woman with a beard. Although I only took in this scene for a moment, three things were immediately clear to me: (1) she was, in fact, a woman with a full beard (2) even clean-shaved, she would have been quite unattractive (3) she was wearing Star Wars pajamas in the middle of the day at the Los Angeles airport. It was only this third quality that I found charming.

In spite of the pajamas, I did not want to have sex with this person. I did not want her to have children with me. I hope some of you reading this can find sympathy with my disposition.


They’re a Person Too

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Yesterday, I went into the Palo Alto Whole Foods to pick up a few items for dinner. The checkout lines were surprisingly short, so I went to a line with just one guy buying some groceries. After a couple of moments, I took in the scene: the young woman running his items over the scanner was being completely ignored by the customer, who was engaged in a cell phone conversation.

I would guess he was in his early to mid 20s, and he acted like the woman didn’t exist. One by one, she priced the items, and once she was done, he shoved his credit card into the machine, took the bag, and left without a single word.


Aww, Quit Yer Bitchin’

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Welp, time to exercise my cherished First Amendment right again……..

Every morning, part of my dog walk ritual involves picking up the charmingly-named Daily Post, which is Palo Alto’s local paper. Besides the front page articles, one of my favorite tidbits is the Celebrity File, which typically covers a variety of interesting famous-person shenanigans or news. So today I was greeted with this headline and these stories…….

