Palo Alto in a Single Image

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Fear and Loathing in Palo Alto

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In spite of a lifelong love of the likes of the Beatles, I’ve never been tempted to try mind-altering 1202-yuckchemicals. There are several reason for this: one, I suppose, is the fact I’m such a straight arrow to begin with; another is that my brain is my second favorite organ, and I intend to protect it; and third – by far the most important – is the fact that what I see in the world is already horrifying and surreal enough. Day to day, I’m already on a really bad trip, and it pertifies me to think of what I would “see” under the influence of MDMA, LSD, mushrooms, or any other Tim-transformers.

I was reminded of this a few minutes ago, because I was walking through the Stanford Shopping Center, and out of the corner of my eye, at a distance, I could tell a female with a short skirt and a revealing top was heading in my direction. I have really good peripheral vision, so even when staring at my iPhone, I have a good sense as to who or what is coming closer to me. (more…)

Palo Alto Real Estate

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A good friend of mine who, among other things, sells real estate in my little town, mentioned to me in an email this morning that prices had gone “stratospheric.” I’d like to offer you a sample of what he means in a full-color, full-page ad I tore out from this morning’s Palo Alto Daily Post.

I present to you what you can get for $2 million in Palo Alto (truth to tell, it’ll probably go for a meaningful amount over the asking price):

