Quiet Morning

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Good morning, everyone.

There's nothing but the silhouettes of trees outside here in Palo Alto at this time of morning, and although I thought I'd have a bunch of guest posts waiting in the wings, there is zilch. So I at least wanted to post a comment cleaner to start the week off.

Anyway, it's a quiet morning so far. The Euro's up a little; the ES is up a little; there are no big economic reports coming out. After the close, there are a number of earnings of note, particularly International Business Machines.

I'll certainly have charts to share later. Until then, time to get ready for the day ahead…….

Live from iPhone Ground Zero

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I took the requisite swing by the Palo Alto Apple Store, and as usual on intro days, there is a line going around the block of people dying to get the latest from Jobs.

Many of them are holding Apple umbrellas, since the sun is out (although it's a pleasant 72 degrees). This company is amazing; how many outfits could compel people to act in this manner? On the left side of this picture is the news van, which always shows up to gawk at the geeks.


Au Revoir, Paris

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It is late Saturday morning in Paris, and tomorrow morning I leave after having been here for two weeks. For a notorious homebody like myself, this is the single longest time I've ever been in any one place that wasn't home in my life.

The trip has been made possible – and quite a pleasure – by my kind host, Royal with Cheese, host of the ETF Corner. He provided housing, transportation, many meals out, tour guide services, and emergency computer repair trips. The man is a Slope Saint, and I'm very grateful. He made Paris a lifelong memory.

I also wish to extend my gratitude to Leisa  and the guest contributors for preventing Slope from becoming a ghost town. Far from it, the traffic has actually been quite strong during the past two weeks. Although this will probably be my final post before I'm back in Palo Alto on Monday morning, I wanted to at least express my appreciation once more to Leisa. Her chance request to help out on the first day of my trip turned out, for her, to be a two-week commitment, and in some ways she's handled Slope better than I ever have.

As for the market……what can I say? Ironically, I scheduled this trip in early February of this year to honor my pledge to Royal that I'd like out to Paris when the market finally started to break. In fact, that was the market's bottom, and we've been doing nothing but climb ever since. The guys over at EWI seem to have reduced their expectations from (1) Apocalyptic to (2) Maybe-the-Dow-will-lose-100-points-one-day. It's pretty sad.

My bullish declarations on XHB turned out to be well-founded, as real estate continues – – inexplicably – – to go bananas. And my bearishness on HHH is working out, as that ETF was able to fall a meaningful amount even on Friday. But, generally speaking, the overall bearish case is getting increasingly fragile, as major ETFs keep exploding to new highs driven by forces that seem beyond the explanation of charts.

I'm going to look at the market with fresh eyes on Monday, once I'm back in the land of Goldman and the home of the Geithner. Until then, thanks, everyone, for making my vacation free at least of my concerns about this blog. It went well.

The “i” is for Insane

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I swung by Palo Alto's Apple store this morning before it opened, and there was a line of about a hundred people waiting to get in, similar to the iPhone introduction I made a video about three years ago. The funny thing is that there is a constant stream of passerby taking photos – – with their iPhone – – of people waiting to buy an iPad. We have truly come full circle.


If you believe mass media is a contrary indicator, it's time to take profits in AAPL.


A Celebration of Specialness

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Well, it's Saturday morning in bucolic Palo Alto, and I've just finished making some chocolate croissants for the cubs. I have been fasting since dinner last night – – it has been a long and difficult road, but with God's help, I shall make it – – since I need to get a blood test in a few minutes as part of a regular physical ("regular" being once very ten years, when I'm finally goaded into it).

I don't have the time to really comment on the markets right now (and I've been so chatty on Slope lately there's not a whole lot left to say), so I'll throw open the doors for some SlopeFest suggestions. The most die-hard Slopers – over a hundred of them – have expressed an interest in getting together in Las Vegas somewhere around May 10-12. The simplest thing to do would be to rent out a large private dining room and get to know each other.

But this has never been done before, so it's a blank slate. For those coming, what would you like to get from this gathering? Simply getting some face-time is the obvious outcome, but I'm probably missing a lot of possibilities. So I'd love to read your ideas.

Later today, when I have more time, I'll put together a post about, I dunno, charts or something.
