Foxy FXI

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I haven't mentioned the Chinese market in a while. Late last year, when China was in a huge bubble, I could only shake my head. I read all the articles about the agonizingly naive investors in China that were piling in simply because things were going up.

Since last October, China lost nearly 50% of its value, and I'm sure some of the headier stocks had even more severe downdrafts. Just a few days ago, I was reading some interviews with investors in China, and it was like a synopsis of Investor Mistakes 101; one guy mentioned that he wasn't selling because it was only a "paper loss." AIEEEE!

In any case,  I haven't touched FXI (which is the ETF) in quite a while, although I keep an eye on it out of interest. Long term, China has a pretty bright future (human rights and environmental issues aside, which are going to be relevant for decades to come). If I were long the FXI right now, I'd be pretty comfortable holding on. At least until it hit that next Fib level.