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OK, I sold my SPX puts this morning at a profit (obviously) and my QLD at a loss (obviously); although the gain outweighed the loss. The huge winners for me today, of course, are my energy and gold shorts.

It's painful to lok at the index puts I sold a month ago. They're up several hundred percent at this point. Ouch! Oh, well. If any of us could see even one week ahead with certainty, we'd soon be richer the Buffett and Gates.

I am carefully examining my puts/shorts and, although I am closing out virtually none of them, I am tightening up stops quite a bit. I have also gone long a variety of issues. I intend to reverse these positions later after I ride the (hoped-for) push upward. Here they are, along with their stop prices.

APD 65.04
ABK 2.05
ASH 26.80
BZH 4.99
BORL 1.29
BPFH 7.78
BYD 7.89
EIX 37.71
EQT 30.33
FORM 16.39
GGP 13.36
HES 72.27
HON 34.13
HOV 5.92
EFA 51.99
JEC 46.48
JBLU 4.51
MA 150.59
NFX 26.99
PXP 30.63
PX 67.77
RIMM 60.02
TXT 26.45
VOD 21
WFMI 18.87
$NDX 1496.15